Learning & Development

Bespoke learning for Royal Mail

Royal Mail needed a bespoke learning solution to help their managers gain the necessary knowledge of EU driving regulations.


Royal Mail

Our client: Royal Mail

The Royal Mail Group are the UK’s sole provider of the Universal Service where “one price goes anywhere”. They deliver letters and parcels 6 days per week to over 30 million addresses across the UK – more than all of their competitors combined.

The organisation employs nearly 160,000 people with one in every 185 jobs in the UK provided by the Group. In addition, Royal Mail have a European Parcel business called General Logistics Systems (GLS) which operate one of the largest parcel delivery networks in Europe.

The challenge: Compliance training

Royal Mail had a compliance requirement for the managers of its fleet of trucks weighing over 3.5T. Managers needed to have an intimate knowledge of EU Driving Regulations and the Road Transport Directive. The RMG asked QA to design a learning solution to help their people gain the necessary knowledge.

The solution: Online gamified learning

As there are many rules in the legislation, we felt taking a gamified approach would help to boost interest and promote attention and retention from learners.

Premium e-learning is highly interactive, has bespoke interactions and incorporates scenarios throughout the learning. It uses multimedia and high-level instructional design.

The game consists of three stages. Each stage has a number of small mini games.

At the start of the game, the learner selects a truck (their character). They then need to take their truck through each stage, and try to defeat each mini game.

The learner is not taught the content they require to win before they play the game. Instead, they are encouraged to experiment and try to figure out the best answers for themselves. If they cannot do this, they are given a short, animated tutorial, which explains the content they were struggling with in a short but effective and engaging way.

As the learner progresses through the game, they are awarded Crystals, which they can use to buy great looking upgrades for their truck.

If this isn’t enough, the game also includes a super user test which is an alternative route through the learning. The learner can opt to take the super user test before they begin the game. This test functions like a diagnostic tool. There are three sections to the test, linked to the three stages of the game. The pass mark for each section of the test is 80%. If the user passes all three sections of the test, they will be taken straight to the game completion screen, and be deemed as compliant. If they fail any of the sections of the test, they will be directed to only those stages of the learning, and be asked to pass those stages before being deemed compliant.

The outcome

"I'm really excited about our new learning game to help our managers better understand and apply the EU driving hours rules. David Gillham, and Jack Angle from QA have done such a wonderful job of bringing our retro dream to life based on solid learning theory as well a good dose of gloss. I can't wait to get this out into our colleagues' hands!" – James Barton, Royal Mail

If you’re interested in a bespoke learning solution for your business, contact us.

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