Digital Transformation

Top 5 Training Trends for 2023

Want to know what’s happening in L&D this year? Dive into QA’s Top 5 Tech Trainings for 2023.

There’s hardly an industry today that evolves faster than tech. In education, new technology - from software to tools and platforms - is transforming delivery.

At the intersection of the two, you’ll find QA keeping our finger on the pulse of the latest in technology and in learning.

To wish you all a happy new year the QA way, we’re diving into an overview of the top tech training trends for 2023.

1. Remote Learning

Focus on remote access took off in the days of lockdown when it became essential to adopt working and learning from home.

To the surprise of some, it proved a popular change. With 97% saying they’d like to work remotely for the rest of their careers (according to a 2022 survey from Buffer) it looks like it’s here to stay, and training providers must keep up.

The answer? Virtual learning solutions.

From gamified platforms to live tutoring, the latest tech allows us to bring the best learning experience to our trainees, wherever they are.

At QA, our Digital by Design methodology offers:

  • Ground-breaking platform cloud academy
  • Sandbox environments for learners to test out their skills
  • Tutor support on-demand with Bud messaging

We also run regular webinars and open-to-all free workshops, such as our Teach The Nation initiative.

2. Gamification

Many of us learn best by doing, not just by listening. Even more so when we’re having fun.

Tech roles are often hands-on in some respect. The critical skills and experience can be developed by realistically going through the motions in a state-of-the-art game-based platform.

Gamified learning also tackles the ‘fear factor’.

Highly technical disciplines involving unfamiliar software and tools can be intimidating, especially at entry level. A risk-free, competitive environment complete with game mechanics like league tables, challenges and even experience points can help learners gain skills and confidence in an engaging way, without the headache.

According to Zippia, gamified learning can increase engagement by 60% and skill retention by 40%.

3. AI systems

Learning management systems in 2023 may be increasingly defined by AI.

First things first, what exactly is an AI powered Learning Management System, or LMS?

In layman’s terms, AI removes the need for a manager or specialist to oversee the learning process, though crucially, it does not replace the teacher. Expert tutors will always be needed to distil and communicate knowledge.

In an AI powered LMS, algorithms create a smart learning environment that responds to the learner; identifying weaknesses, adapting to their knowledge level, tailoring content and allocating resources automatically.

Just some of the capabilities include:

  • Keeping track of student progress with ease
  • Providing more personalised learning experiences
  • Valuable insights into the user’s learning journey
  • Automatic error correction
  • Automated curriculums

4. Video tutorials

Gone are the days of monotonous training videos. Video is an important element of any tech training programme; it can be accessed from anywhere and suits a diverse range of learners.

Video tutorials have moved with the times, and can be a succinct, engaging way to illustrate technical concepts and processes.

That being said, transferring engagement into meaningful, actionable learning is trickier.

Some of the latest research in video watching investigates the performance of learners in a video-based learning platform. 

Mohammadhassan et al, 2022 explores how notetaking can supplement video-watching to improve learning; ‘Quality nudges enhance constructive engagement and learning’ whilst watching videos - illustrating the importance of detailed ed tech implementation that goes beyond relying on the latest technologies alone. 

5. Augmented reality

Perhaps the most cutting-edge on this list, Augmented Reality is set to take the world of training by storm. But what exactly is it and how does it work?

Different from virtual reality (in which the user enters a virtual environment) augmented reality adds digital elements to our real-life surroundings, through tools like headsets, tablets and even our phones.

For example, by displaying text, diagrams or guides over a real-time view of the task in front of you, AR can support learning on-the-job. Those working with hardware can now deconstruct and look inside a 3D rendering of objects before tackling the real asset, minimising risk.

AR can even be used in onboarding processes, allowing new employees to explore a virtually enhanced workplace, where they can learn about different business functions and departments, or even attend virtual presentations.

The benefits of immersive, interactive training with AR include better engagement, lower learning curves and reduced training costs. According to Dataprot ‘70% of consumers believe AR can be helpful for learning new skills.’

Overall, in 2023 creative solutions, enhanced accessibility and cutting-edge tech will continue to upgrade tech training. We want to help organisations lead the future of tech, by investing in modern training solutions.

If you’d like to find out more about learning trends, head to our Learning Trends Report.

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