Why wait for exam results to decide your future? You can take control today.

The best jobs and highest salaries aren’t just for university goers anymore. Amazon, Barclays, Vodafone, Cisco, Fujitsu… what better chance could you get to start your career with the biggest-name brands out there?

A third of QA’s recent tech apprentices are already making over £39,000 – with a further 30% earning between £25,000–£38,999. And they all learnt the in-demand digital skills that matter to them, in the place that matters to employers – the workplace.

Making tech tick

If you’re curious about the Cloud, interested in IT, have an affinity for AI or have a soft spot for Software – there’s a future in tech for you. An early opportunity to break through and turn your passion into prospects.

Our programmes put the power in your hands. You’ll earn invaluable real-world skills and qualifications (right up to degree level if you like), while earning a pay cheque too.

Tech may grab the headlines – but it’s people that make tech tick. This is an inclusive, human industry full of incredible people who share a passion for owning their own digital futures. The ones who got ahead.

Earn while you learn

Rather than worry about results this summer, you could be out there getting your own. Apprenticeships don’t work on traditional term times – we’ve got hundreds of live opportunities right now – so you can get stuck in when it suits you.

There’s no end to where a tech apprenticeship can take you. If a degree’s your end goal, that’s perfectly achievable without going down the uni route. The only difference is your degree will be debt-free, with all costs covered between us and your employer.

Or… simply carry on up the ladder. Over 63% of our recent learners have had a pay rise since completing their QA apprenticeship, with more than 98% still in full-time employment.

And don’t overlook a thriving social element. With a huge apprenticeship network and alumni community – plus plenty of like-minded people in the workplace – you’ll have every chance to build relationships that matter, sampling the perks of traditional student life with a greater financial freedom.

Find your passion

The digital landscape is vast and varied, but don’t panic. We’ll help you uncover your tech potential – matching you to an opportunity that’s right for you.  

Maybe your future lies in:

  • Cloud computing: 50% of UK organisations have already turned to the Cloud
  • Cyber security: the average UK pro earns £50-£80,000 a year
  • Data, analytics and AI: 48% of businesses are recruiting for hard data skills
  • DevOps: nearly three-quarters of organisations have adopted DevOps
  • Digital Marketing: Head of Marketing roles attract salaries of £70-90,000
  • IT: demand for IT engineers is expected to grow 13% before 2030
  • Software Development: 2021 saw over 100,000 live tech job offers a week

Whichever route you take you’ll be supported throughout your journey by our Digital Learning Consultants, practising your tech skills in our hands-on labs, before taking what you’ve learnt to work.

Start something special – Own your future

Talk to us now about our available tech apprenticeships